Sunday, 25 January 2015

Agenda - Wednesday, 28th January 2015, 7.15pm - The Lowther Hotel

1. Attendance/Apologies
2. Declaration of Interests
3. Treasurer’s Report
4. Previous Minutes
5. Matters Arising
6. Correspondence
7. Grant Funding – Reuben Chappell
8. Planning and Building Matters:
a. The Arcade
b. The Theatre Royal
c. Local Listing
9. Any Other Business
10. Next Meeting

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Goole Civic Society Agenda September 2014 - Lowther Hotel Wednesday 24th September @ 7.15pm

1. Attendance/Apologies
2. Declaration of Interests 
3. Treasurer’s Report 
4. Previous Minutes 
5. Matters Arising
6. Correspondence 
7. Heritage Open Days
8. Civic Voice Elections
9. Grant Funding
10. Planning and Building Matters:
              a. The Arcade 
              b. 14/01632/PLF - Conversion of public house to 2 no. A1, A2 and A3 use units and                                 installation of new shop fronts and windows, change of use of first and second floors                           to 6 no. self contained flats, erection of extension to second floor to rear and                                         associated internal alterations at North Eastern Hotel, Boothferry Road, Goole, DN14                           5BT. 
              c. 14/01715/STPLF - Erection of a bakery and warehouse building following demolition                         of existing public house and workshop buildings at Waud Bros, South Street, Goole,                             DN14 5TE.
              d. 14/02244/PLF - Alterations and conversion of first floor from self contained flat                           into self contained flats including construction of new dormer window in roof at                           front following demolition of existing at Milners 94 - 98 Boothferry Road Goole East                           Riding Of Yorkshire DN14 6AE.
               e. 14/02812/PAD - Display of 1no non illuminated fascia sign and 1no non illuminated                            projecting sign to front at The Salvation Army 118 Boothferry Road, Goole, DN14                             6AG.
               f. 14/02655/PLF - Conversion of buildings into four residential apartments including                               first floor extension to rear at Belgravia Resource Centre, 6 - 7 Belgravia, Goole,                                 DN14 5BU.
               g. 14/01151/PAD - Display of an internally illuminated box sign at Fat Boys 2,                                         Boothferry Road, Goole, DN14 5AU.
               h. The Theatre Royal
               i. Building Regulations and Local Listing 
11. Any Other Business
12. Next Meeting 

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Goole Civic Society January 2014 Meeting


Wednesday, 29th January 2014, 7.15pm - The Lowther Hotel
1.       Attendance/Apologies
2.       Declaration of Interests
3.       Treasurer’s Report
4.       Previous Minutes
5.       Matters Arising
6.       Correspondence
7.       Civic Voice Membership
8.       ‘BIG’ Meetings
9.       HLF Funding (Reuben Chappell)
10.   Planning and Building Matters:
a.       Demolition of former Customs House, Stanhope Street, and Construction of Flats/Offices - 13/01540/PLF.
b.      Listed Building Consent and Full Planning Permission - Redevelopment of School Campus comprising the erection of a new three storey teaching block, refurbishment of the listed Edwardian original school building and associated landscaping and works, Goole High School Centenary Road Goole East Riding Of Yorkshire DN14 6AN (Revised Scheme) – 13/04180/STPLF and 13/04181/STLBC.
c.       Change of use from D1 to offices B1a Belgravia Resource Centre 6 - 7 Belgravia Goole East Riding Of Yorkshire DN14 5BU - 13/04034/PLF.
d.      The Arcade
11.   Civic Society Status (with East Riding Council)
12.   Local Plan Consultation
13.   Any Other Business:
a.       Howard Duckworth.
14.   Next Meeting

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Goole Civic Society’s Heritage Award Scheme

Over the past year Goole Civic Society has been exploring new projects and methods of increasing awareness of the Society. One of the projects decided upon by the Society was to create a Heritage Awards scheme, which recognises the contribution by individuals and businesses in preserving and enhancing local heritage. 

The timing of the first awards scheme was decided so as to launch the 2013 Heritage Open Day Events in style, with a presentation ceremony in the Lowther Hotel Mural Rooms. The event itself was a success in bringing together many local dignitaries and raising awareness of the Society through articles the local paper.

The first set of awards was issued for conserving buildings which contribute to the heritage of Goole. The first certificate was awarded to the Julie Howard Partnership who, over a number of years, have renovated many of the towns historic buildings including the grade II* listed Lowther Hotel, and generously host Civic Society Meetings. 

Pat O'Neil (Vice Chairman of East Yorkshire), Julie Duckworth and Howard Duckworth.
A second award was presented to the Courtyard, for the initial restoration and continued use of a converted Victorian School into office and community space. 

Linda Thornton of the Courtyard accepting award. 
The third award was presented to a local Bridal Business who have converted a former Victorian Warehouse into a viable business and have preserved its future use. 

Sharon Inman of Bridal Oasis accepting award. 
The final award was presented to Morrison’s Supermarket. During the demolition of a former Mill site the Supermarket preserved and restored a Grade II listed Tower Mill, which forms part of the character of the town, and will eventually use the Mill as a CafĂ©. 

Representatives of Goole Morrison's store accepting award. 
All of the recipients gratefully accepted the awards and hopefully the scheme can inspire others to use local heritage as a basis for their own business.

Going forwards the Society hopes to make the event an annual feature and will look to present awards for best new designs and individuals who have contributed to conserving local culture and heritage. 

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Heritage Open Days 2013

Heritage Open Days 2013 was another success for Goole Civic Society, arranged by the Society's Chair Margaret Clarke. The event started with the launch of the Goole Civic Society Awards, attended by local dignitaries, which will feature in a separate blog post. The pictures below show some of the events that were arranged for the weekend. 
Members utilised one of the town's market barrows to advertise the weekend and to hand out heritage trails. 

The Civic Society, Local Historians (including Susan Butler and Gilbert Tawn) and 'Business in Goole' combined together to produce 'Then and Now' posters for the local shops.

Goole High School pupils researched famous people from the town for an exhibition and after being exhibited in the school was displayed in Goole Library. 

Famous people from Goole by Goole High. 

Famous buildings of Goole made by pupils of Goole High. 

Goole library also contributed to the weekend by displaying local archives and a history of Goole's first (now demolished) Free Public Library. 

Goole Mariners exhibited a selection of their archives in their rooms at the Goole Conservative Club.

A small selection of the material collected and written by Goole Mariner Brian Masterman. 

The Lowther Hotel, Goole, housed local historians. 

Where members of the public could search for and identify pictures. 

The Lowther Hotel also ran tours of the extensively refurbished Grade II* listed hotel, including a rare set of George IV murals. 

Thanks must also go to the Goole Parish Church for opening to the public over the weekend.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

The Goole Civic Society

Goole Civic Society was established in April 2010 with the aim of promoting and protecting the cultural and social heritage of Goole. The group's origins however are in the Goole Heritage Group, which campaigned on issues such as the Phoenix Street demolitions and the demolition of the New Bridge Inn, and was fundamental in assisting with the creation of the Goole Conservation Area. The Society was established to allow the group to join with the Civic Society movement and to increase public membership. 

The Society has been active in many areas since it's creation. Past and current projects include:
  • Monitoring and responding to Planning Applications (within the boundary of Goole Town Council). 
  • Preparing a Local List of Heritage Assets
  • Participating in Heritage Open Days. 
  • Awarding Certificates for Heritage
  • Nominating buildings for Listing. 
  • Hosting Public Speakers. 
In the coming year the Society is looking towards ways of erecting Blue Plaques, creating a Reuben Chappell trail and building upon current plans for meetings and Heritage Open Days. 

In our first two years the Society was guided under the Chairmanship of Jean Kitchen. Our current committee consists of:
  • Margaret Clarke - Chair
  • Chris Laidler - Vice-Chair
  • Stephen Walker - Secretary
  • Rachel Walker - Treasurer
  • John Clarke - Press Officer. 
The Society is also a member of the Yorkshire and Humber Association of Civic Societies. Our meetings are held on the last Wednesday evening of every month, at the Lowther Hotel, Goole. Currently yearly subscriptions are £10, or £15 for a couple. All are welcome to attend. 

The group can be contacted by e-mail -