1. Attendance/Apologies
2. Declaration of Interests
3. Treasurer’s Report
4. Previous Minutes
5. Matters Arising
6. Correspondence
7. Heritage Open Days
8. Civic Voice Elections
9. Grant Funding
10. Planning and Building Matters:
a. The Arcade
b. 14/01632/PLF - Conversion of public house to 2 no. A1, A2 and A3 use units and installation of new shop fronts and windows, change of use of first and second floors to 6 no. self contained flats, erection of extension to second floor to rear and associated internal alterations at North Eastern Hotel, Boothferry Road, Goole, DN14 5BT.
c. 14/01715/STPLF - Erection of a bakery and warehouse building following demolition of existing public house and workshop buildings at Waud Bros, South Street, Goole, DN14 5TE.
d. 14/02244/PLF - Alterations and conversion of first floor from 1.no self contained flat into 2.no self contained flats including construction of new dormer window in roof at front following demolition of existing at Milners 94 - 98 Boothferry Road Goole East Riding Of Yorkshire DN14 6AE.
e. 14/02812/PAD - Display of 1no non illuminated fascia sign and 1no non illuminated projecting sign to front at The Salvation Army 118 Boothferry Road, Goole, DN14 6AG.
f. 14/02655/PLF - Conversion of buildings into four residential apartments including first floor extension to rear at Belgravia Resource Centre, 6 - 7 Belgravia, Goole, DN14 5BU.
g. 14/01151/PAD - Display of an internally illuminated box sign at Fat Boys 2, Boothferry Road, Goole, DN14 5AU.
h. The Theatre Royal
i. Building Regulations and Local Listing
11. Any Other Business
12. Next Meeting